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Cagliari PalaPirastru, CagliariWDSF International Open - Cagliari Notify me if any competition of this event changes. Notify me if any competition of this event or any related event changes. DATE 28 - 29 October 2023 LOCATION Cagliari - Italy ORGANIZER CONTACT Name of the Organiser: SIAMODANZA ASD Telephone Number of the Organiser: +39 0637511764 COMPETITIONS AGE GROUP DISCIPLINE […]
Sardinia Dance Week 2021
Cagliari PalaPirastru, Cagliari4 Important Title will be in Sardina WDSF World Championship 10 Dance PD WDSF World Championship Senior 3 Standard WDSF World Championship Senior 4 Standard WDSF Amateur European Latin And more WDSF competition COMPETIZIONI ED OPEN WORKSHOP & MASTERCLASS Open Workshop & Masterclass con i Campioni del Mondo delle danze standard e […]
Dance Sport Team Coffee Time
The voice of the World dance ... directly from those who lived it and live it every moment ... We are waiting for you with your comments Dance Sport Team Coffee Time
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